The Philadelphia Blues Messengers believe that not only is a great cry for peace in order for our world, but also a great cry for re-thinking the notion of the inevitability of progress and a global economy. Musicians have always been tuned in to the rhythms and vibrations of the physical and natural world. We have learned from the birds and animals, the rivers, the trees, even the mountains and the rocks. We have told the stories of our respective peoples. We have provided the foundation for dance and the beginning of language. What must be done? The Philadelphia Blues Messengers are only a part of the worldwide consciousness of musicians. Blues Messengers - traditional musicians - from all continents are hearing the call to take action to heal the planet - to slow the frenetic pace that the “progress” of “developed” nations have foisted upon the “undeveloped,” indigenous peoples. There are geologic centers of power that our ancestors knew. There are old ways, nearly lost now, which must be rediscovered. People are hearing this cry from Mother Earth. The Philadelphia Blues Messengers are foretelling the day when musicians from every continent will assemble in these places of power and make a great cry, a joyful noise, and a new covenant to restore the balance of feminine and masculine energy. The call goes out to all people: scientists, poets, dancers, artists, healers, religious, workers, mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons. So we speak. To see the truth you must speak it clearly.