Satire: Is Bob Dylan Dead?
Early voting
suggests that BOB DYLAN will not survive this week's online poll held
by MARTIAN FM, the UK's leading satirical web magazine. Every week,
visitors to the site at are given the chance to
'vaporise an earthling'. Just 24 hours after the weekly feature
MARTIAN JUSTICE was published, nearly 60% of voters had given the
thumbs-down to the 62-year old folk icon. Voting closes next Monday.
This week's case for the prosecution: 'His recovery from a non-fatal motorcycle accident in 1966 was the 20th Century's greatest missed cultural opportunity.
In the four years before 1966 Bob Dylan was a genius, and the coolest white person on the planet. In the 44 years since, he has written seven decent songs. It's your call. You may feel vaporising him is pointless at this late stage. It would, however, rule out any more embarrassing gigs in silly hats with that twat out of the Eurythmics'.
To go directly to the vaporise page, click here:
Results of some previous MARTIAN JUSTICE votes:
Tony Robinson - 89% voted 'yes, vaporise', 11% voted 'no, don't bother'.
Mo Mowlam - 28% yes, 72% no.
Michael Parkinson - 83% yes, 17% no.
Guy & Madonna - 47% yes, 53% no.
Piglet - 45% yes, 55% no.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 59% yes, 41% no.
The Simpsons - 34% yes, 66% no.
Scotland - 61% yes, 39% no.
All Big Brother contestants - 83% yes, 17% no.
Puff Daddy - 76% yes, 24% no.
The Crowd at Wimbledon - 78% yes, 22% no.
Clint Eastwood - 61% yes, 39% no.
Lenny Henry - 79% yes, 21% no.
The other Blair children - 4% yes, 96% no.
Carol Vorderman - 74% yes, 26% no.
Neil Morrisey - 81% yes, 19% no.
Manchester Utd - 64% yes, 35% no.
ET - 58% yes, 42% no.
Trude Mostue - 71% yes, 29% no.
Frank Skinner - 97% yes, 3% no.
Yogi Bear - 62% yes, 48% no.
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