Robert Rich and Rick Davies, under the band title Amoeba, with their new album " Watchful" have placed themselves in the middle of the mainstream space music genre. A guitar and vocal based album taking no musical chances, this duo stays quite tonal and sounds very much like mainstream soft rock with the dominant beat taken away. This CD would be a good introduction to the world of ambient music for listeners of soft rock radio in their work places. In fact, I would like to see this music be played in the work place. More interesting than rock and more conducive to creative thought and action. This CD was recorded in Southern California, its hard to tell from the liner notes exactly where, and bespeaks a very different consciousness than is usually heard from either US coast. Although there are vocals here, they are mainly important as another instrument in the tonal mix. Sounds of the desert are also interwoven into the music. Sounds I can't name, but hills and waterways come to mind easily. Heartland ambience,..... thats what I'd call it! I hear sounds reminiscent of the Beatles later recordings. Nothing wrong with that, not only were the Beatles great, but musicians can mine their work for the next century before exhausting those resources. Overall I find this album worthy of a listen and giving as a gift to someone you love who doesn't know anything about ambient.....unless YOU are that person who is new to this genre. information: website: This site is copyrighted ®© AMP/Alternate Music Press, 1997-2024. All Rights Reserved. |