Elegent, deep, thunderous, majestic, this album sends us on a journey of mythic understanding. Its an album with a lot of good music on it. Dweller At the Threshold grew out of Dave Fulton, Paul Ellis and Jeff Vasey's fascination with the flexibility of electronic music to create a cinematic experience in sound. They reject the uniformity and ease of preset patches preferring to craft new sounds for each composition. To them, the synthesizer is a creative tool which offers a wide palette of contrasting textures that can be animated by hands on manipulation. The music on No BOUNDARY CONDITION explores the sonic realms pioneered by Tangerine Dream in their middle period works such as RICOCHET and STRATOSFEAR. D.A.T. recreates the classic analog sound and combines it with modern digital equipment to achieve a new synthesis - German space music, processed through American musical alchemy. good when emotions are running strong,closing your eyes and drifting with the sounds. I wonder where they will go next! information: Review by Ben Kettlewell |
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