EIRIK LIE (Visueel Musikk VM-09601) cd 1996
Keyboard player Frode Fjellheim joins
in on several tracks adding extra synth parts, and co-producing
about half of the 12 tracks. This is richly textured picture music
with impeccable use of atmosphere and melody. Eirik concentrates
on orchestral timbres with very limited use of sequencing. He tends
to lean towards longer compositions with the average cut between
4-8 minutes. Most pieces are gradually evolving compositions with
elements of drama and tension to enhance the theatrical atmosphere
of the album.
It is superb drifting music-wonderful
evocative soundscapes using synths, percussion, and guitar to create
great aural images. It's a vast spacious aural panorama, featuring
a great array of indescribable sounds; rich cosmic, shimmering tones,
deep sonic drones and gentle melodic phrases. The effect is a spellbinding
music, often evocative of the somber cosmic works of Erik Wollo,
Michael Stearns or Vidna Obmana. Unique and fascinating, I highly
recommend it.
contact: email: eirikli@notam.uio.no This site is copyrighted ®© AMP/Alternate Music Press, 1997-2024. All Rights Reserved.
"12 Bilder"
Lie's debut release "12 Bilder" loosely translates in English to
12 pieces.This is an excellent album of 12 works composed for theater,
performances, installations, and videos from 1983-1995. The primary
instruments on the album are a variety of analog and digital synths,
with electronic percussion, and guitars augmenting several theater
pieces. The music varies from delicate ambient pieces reminiscent
of Brian Eno's Ambient series, to more up tempo melodic pieces like
"112 Par Sko" and "Dystopia" which feature Eirik on the Fender Stratocaster.
URL http://home.sn.no/home/eiriklie/Visual.html
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